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2022-2023 Scholarship Application Guide for BTBU New International Students

    为鼓励和支持更多优秀的国际学生到我校学习,北京工商大学为国际学生设立了多种形式的奖学金项目。我校奖学金分为中国政府奖学金、北京市政府奖学金以及校级奖学金。北京工商大学国际学生在线申请网站 https://btbu.17gz.org/。具体项目申请办法详见北京工商大学国际学生招生简章。

    To encourage and support more outstanding international students to study in Beijing Technology and Business University, we have set up various kinds of scholarship programs for international students such as Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC-Type A and CSC-Type B), Beijing Government Scholarship and BTBU University Scholarship.BTBU Online application website: https://btbu.17gz.org/.For detailed information about programs please refer to 2022 BTBU Admission Book.


Scholarship Programs


Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC)

(一)常规项目(Type A)

Regular Programs (Type A)

Type A一般指除中国高校外其他受理机构负责招生的奖学金项目。此类项目的申请人须填写相应受理机构(如中国驻某国大使馆)的“受理机构编码”,所提交的申请将由相应受理机构进行审核。更多信息请前往https://wwwcampuschina.org

Program Category Type A generally refers to scholarship programs responsible by authorities other than Chinese universities. Applicants of Type A programs are requested to fill in the Agency Number of above-mentioned agencies (eg. Chinese Embassy in your country) Applications of Type A will be reviewed by these agencies. For more information, please refer to https://www.cam puschina.org.

1. 申请时间

When to apply


From the beginning of January to the beginning of April. (Please consult the respective receiving agency for the exact dates)

2. 申请方式

How to apply

(1).登录https://wwwcampuschinaorg,选择留学项目种类-Type A,完成申请;

Submit your application for dispatching authorities in your home country;


Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) reviewed the documents and forward your information to CSC system;


BTBU review the students’ documents, then determine whether to admit after the review of relevant schools;


Inquire the dispatching authority about the result and receive official admission documents.

)、高校自主招生项目(Type B)

Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC) - Chinese University Program (Type B)

Type B一般指中国政府奖学金高校自主招生项目。此类项目的申请人在国家留学基金委申请系统中须选择奖学金类别“B类”, 同时填写相应高校的“受理机构编码”。所提交的申请将由相应高校进行审核。北京工商大学机构编码:10011。

Program Category Type B generally refers to scholarship programs responsible by Chinese universities under CGS-Chinese University Program Applicants for this kind of programs should select “Type B” in CSC application system and write the corresponding agent number of the university. The application will be checked by the corresponding university. BTBU University Agent Number: 10011.


When to apply


Jan 15 2022-Apr. 15 2022 (fall intake only)

2. 申请方式

How to apply

(1). 登录https://wwwcampuschinaorg, 选择留学项目种Type B,填写北京工商大学机构代码(10011),完成申请;

Login https://wwwcampuschinaorg and choose Type B complete the online application. The application receiving agency is BTBU. Agent No. of BTBU: 10011;

(2). 登录北京工商大学在线申请系统https://btbu.17gz.org/完成项目申请,并将材料发至国际处邮箱international_office@btbu.edu.cn。材料审核通过后等待面试通知;

Complete the online application procedure at https://btbu.17gz.org/. And wait for the interview notice from International Office after the approval of documents review;

(3). 北京工商大学奖学金评审委员会审核通过面试的申请人材料,确认奖学金候选人;

BTBU Scholarship Committee will review the application materials and determine scholarship candidates list among the applicants who pass the interview;

(4). 奖学金候选人名单上报国家留学基金委审批;

The final list of scholarship awardees will be approved by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC);

(5). 奖学金拟录取人获取正式录取通知书;

Candidates receive official admission documents.


Note: The above scholarship quota and programs are subject to the final approval result of CSC.


Beijing Government Scholarship (BGS)

1. 资助标准

Scholarship coverage



Full scholarship: Tuition fees

Half Scholarship: Half of tuition fees

2. 申请时间

When to apply


Jan.15 2022-Apr.15 2022 (Fall intake only)

3. 申请方式

How to apply

(1). 登录北京工商大学在线申请系统https://btbu.17gz.org/完成项目申请,并将材料发至国际处邮箱international_office@btbu.edu.cn。材料审核通过后等待面试通知;

Complete the online application procedure at https://btbu.17gz.org/. And wait for the interview notice from International Office after the approval of documents review;

(2). 北京工商大学奖学金评审委员会审核通过面试的申请人材料,确认奖学金候选人;

BTBU Scholarship Committee will review the application materials and determine scholarship candidates list among the applicants who pass the interview;

(3). 奖学金拟录取人获取正式录取通知书。

Candidates receive official admission documents.


Note: The above scholarship quota and programs are subject to the final approval result of BTBU.


BTBU Scholarship


For specific information, please refer to the application notice published by BTBU in the current year.



1. 奖学金获得者须按照学校规定的时间办理报到注册手续。未经批准而逾期不报到者,取消奖学金资格;

Scholarship recipients must complete the registration and enrollment on scheduled time in accordance with the university regulations. Those who miss the deadline without approval will be dis qualified from scholarship;

2. 奖学金获得者在开学报到时需提交所有申请材料的原件,如发现弄虚作假行为,将取消奖学金资格和入学资格;

Scholarship recipients must bring all original documents for registration. Provision of false/misleading information or failure to provide the requested supporting documents will lead to disqualification of admission;

3. 奖学金获得者须按照规定参加奖学金年度评审。评审不合格者,将被中止或者取消奖学金资格;

Scholarship recipients are required to attend the annual scholarship review, which evaluates the academic performance and daily performance for the whole academic year. Those who fail to pass will lose their eligibility for the next year’s scholarship;

4. 奖学金获得者原则上不得变更学习专业及学习期限;

Scholarship students cannot change the major, or transfer to another University, or prolong the length of study in principle;

5. 奖学金招生政策由北京工商大学国际交流与合作处负责解释。

Those items shall be explained by the college of International Office of BTBU.


Contact Information


通讯地址:中国北京市海淀区阜成路33号 北京工商大学


联系人: 李老师



学校网址: https://www.btbu.edu.cn/


International Office of Beijing Technology and Business University

University Add: No.33 Fucheng Road,Haidian District,Beijing,China,100048

Contact person: Ms LI


BTBU Website: https://www.btbu.edu.cn/

Application website:https://btbu.17gz.org/