北京工商大学国际学生在校承诺书 Commitment Letter for International Students of BTBU


作者: | 来源: 国际交流与合作处(港澳台办公室) | 发布日期:2019-12-03 | 阅读次数:

  1.  遵守中国法律法规和北京工商大学的校规校纪;

Obey Chinese laws and regulations; obey disciplines and regulations of Beijing Technology and Business University;

2. 留学生如有违反学校的规定将给予相应的处分;若违反法律法规,公安机关将按照中国的有关法律处理,同时学校给予相应的处分,情节严重者将开除学籍。

Anyone who violates the regulations of BTBU will be given appropriate punishments; Anyone who violates the Chinese laws and regulations will be punished by police accordingly, and BTBU will give corresponding punishments. If the circumstances are serious, the student will be expelled.

3. 凡卖淫、嫖娼、吸毒者、非法就业者,一律开除学籍;

Anyone involved in prostitution and whoring, drug addicts and illegal employments will be  expelled from BTBU;

4. 每学期放假前按照要求按时到国际处签署假期表,写清自己假期的计划和安排;假期结束后按时返校报到和上课,特殊情况需在开学前两周向学院书面请假;

Each semester before the holiday, sign the holiday form on time according to the requirements of the International Office, and write down the plan and arrangements of holiday. After the holiday, return to school on time for registration and classes. In special circumstances, you must ask for leave to related school in paper two weeks before the start of the school.

5. 学校尊重国际学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供举行宗教仪式、活动的场所;严禁国际学生在校内进行传教及宗教聚会等活动;

BTBU respects the ethnic customs and religious beliefs of international students, but does not provide venues for religious ceremonies and activities. It is strictly forbidden for international students to conduct missionary and religious gatherings on campus;

6.  尊重中国人民的信仰和风俗习惯,尊重其他国家同学的信仰和风俗习惯;维护和增进各国同学之间的友谊和团结;

Respect the beliefs, life habits and traditions of the Chinese people and of other  international students;Maintain and promote friendship and unity among peoples from different countries;

7. 严禁非法就业,学习类签证/居留许可不允许打工,实习须按照要求办理实习加注。

Do not work illegally. The study visa/residence permit cannot work and you need to apply for Internship Annotation as required;

8. 珍爱生命,远离毒品,积极参加学校组织的禁毒宣传活动,不吸毒,不贩毒,不参与任何与毒品及违禁药物相关活动;

To cherish life and stay away from drugs; take part in anti-drug activities organized by BTBU actively, do not take, purchase, sell, transfer or in touch with any type of drugs and forbidden medicine;

9. 法律规定,严禁无照(中国机动车驾驶证)驾驶机动车辆(包括摩托车),在中国车辆靠右行驶,不要逆行、横穿马路,请大家安全驾驶、文明驾驶,拒绝酒驾和疲劳驾驶,遵守交通规则,走路开车时集中注意力、不玩手机;

According to the law, it is strictly forbidden to drive vehicles (including motorcycles) without a license (Chinese  vehicle driver's license).In China, the vehicle is driven to the right. Do not retrograde or cross the road. Please obey the traffic rules, do not drunk driving and fatigue driving. , do not play mobile phones while driving or walking on the road;

10. 校园内禁止骑摩托车、电动摩托车、电动三轮车等;

It is forbidden to ride motorcycles, electric motorcycles, electric tricycles, etc. on campus;

11. 严禁赌博、酗酒、打架斗殴等行为,禁止酒后滋事;避免夜间或凌晨行走在偏僻街巷,独自外出旅游者,请加备注意个人安全,并与同学或老师保持联络;

Gambling, excessive drinking, fighting etc. are strictly prohibited; Avoid walking in remote streets or lanes at midnight, especially by yourself. Pay extra attention to personal safety while go travelling alone, and keep in touch with classmates or teachers;

12. 遵守宿舍管理规定,公寓内禁止吸烟、禁止使用明火和违章电器,禁止存放易燃、易爆和有毒物品,注意消防安全;离开宿舍及时关窗锁门、关水断电等,在宿舍关门前按时返回宿舍、不在外过夜;

Obey the dormitory management regulations. No smoking, no fire and high-power appliances etc. in dorms; No storage of flammable, explosive and toxic materials in dorms;.Close the window, turn off the water and light,lock the door, etc.before leaving the dorm. Return to the dormitory on time before the dormitory closes for the night;

13. 妥善保管个人财物等贵重物品,离开宿舍及时关窗锁门,不要轻易将房间钥匙交给他人,以免被盗。所住房间不得私自转让、转租或留宿他人。避免陌生人进入宿舍;

Take good care of personal belongings and other valuables; Shut windows and lock the door before leaving dorms, do not give room keys to others to avoid theft. Rooms are not permitted to rent to others and no visitors overnight. Avoid strangers get into rooms;

14.  出行时一定要选择正规出租车公司的出租车,不要乘坐无牌、无证及超载车辆,防止发生交通事故和敲诈勒索等意外案件;

Choose a taxi from a authorized taxi company. Do not take unlicensed and overloaded vehicles to prevent accidents and extortion;

15. 外出时注意人身及财产安全,在火车站、旅游景点等人多的地方注意保管好自己的财物。请在官方指定地点购买门票、火车票等,兑换货币请在各大银行的柜台办理,请勿在景点、车站外非官方人士处购买或兑换货币;

Pay attention to personal belongings and other valuables while go travelling, especially near train station, tourist spot and any other crowded areas. Please buy or collect tickets from official ticket office, instead of private selling spots. Exchange currency at authorized bank counters, instead of private exchange spots;

16. 严禁到江、河、湖泊、水库等非正规游泳场所游泳和到自然条件险恶的地方游玩;

No swimming in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and unlicensed pools. 

No visiting to places in dangerous natural circumstances.

17. 近来社会上诈骗类案件高发,犯罪分子利用各种方式进行诈骗。比如:利用手机短信、电话诈骗;通过微信等网络账号,以聊天方式进行诈骗。请大家提高自我防范意识,切勿轻信陌生人以各种名义借钱、借物、购买物品的谎言,不要轻信不明对象的可疑信息、电话;不把自己信息透露给陌生人,以免上当受骗;

Be aware of different kinds of fraud. 

Such as frauds via short messages, phonecalls, QQ, wechat, and other contact tools. 

Do not lend money to strangers, answer or reply to strange numbers; 

do not reveal personal information to strangers and increase the awareness of self-protection.

18. 学校设有保卫处并24小时值班,一旦在校内发生紧急情况可拨打学校保卫处电话:010-68984110

BTBU has a security office and is working for 24 hours and dial 010-68984110 in case of an emergency on campus.

19. 在校外遇到紧急情况,请拨打如下电话: 110(警察)、119(火警)、120(急救);

The following emergency numbers are in use throughout China: Police 110, Fire 119, and Ambulance 120, dial the numbers in case of an emergency off campus.